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Studio Pay Care Plan / WarrantiesAbout Your Product Replacement or Breakdown Plan
About Your Product Replacement, Accidental Damage or Breakdown Plan
Welcome to your Product Replacement, Accidental Damage or Breakdown Plan Policy Document.
This insurance is designed to repair or replace your product if it suffers:
- Accidental Damage resulting in breakdown and/or fails to operate as intended by the manufacturer;
- Breakdown resulting in the product failing to operate as intended by the manufacturer outside of the manufacturers guarantee period.
If your product has an original purchase price of £200.00 or less, we will (in the event of each valid claim):
- replace your product with an identical product, or if this is not possible, we will arrange for a credit to be applied to the account through which the original purchase was madeIf your product has an original purchase price of more than £200.00, we may (in the event of each valid claim):
- choose to pay for the cost of repairing your product, or,
- replace your product with an identical product.
- arrange for a credit to be applied to the account through which the original purchase was made. However, we will only pay the purchase price of the product, or £1,500, whichever is lower in each individual claim.The maximum we will pay under this policy in total for all repairs and replacements is an amount equal to twice the original purchase price of the product or £3,000, whichever is lower. If the product is replaced, or your account is credited, the plan will terminate. If required, you will need to buy a new plan for any new product
Please take time to read the Important Information in section 2 of this Policy Document. It tells you about things you need to check and the actions you need to take. It also contains details of which products you can insure.
This insurance was arranged by Studio Retail Trading Limited on behalf of Frasers Group Financial Services Limited whose contact details are: Frasers Group Financial Services Limited, Express House, Clayton Business Park, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5JY. Telephone 0371 376 5680.
The insurance is underwritten by Novus Underwriting Limited on behalf of Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft in Liechtenstein AG. Novus Underwriting Limited is an appointed representative of Direct Insurance Group Plc, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 306080). Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft in Liechtenstein AG. Registered Office: Aeulestrasse 60 (2. Stock) 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein is authorised and regulated by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority and is deemed authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority (Firm Reference No. 454140).
Details of the Temporary Permissions Regime, which allows EEA-based firms to operate in the UK for a limited period while seeking full authorisation, are available on the Financial Conduct Authority’s website at https://register.fca.org.uk/ or by calling them on 0800 111 6768.
The authorisation details of each firm can be checked on the Financial Services Register at https://register.fca.org.uk/ or by calling 0800 111 6768.
As the retailer ultimately acts as agent for the insurer under a delegated authority, monies paid to (or held by) the retailer in relation to the insurance contract are treated as having been paid to (or held by) the insurer.
Claims and administration are handled by Castelan Limited on ourbehalf. Castelan Limited is referred to as the administrator in this Policy Document. Their contact details are: Castelan Limited, Alpha House, Sunnyside Road North, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 3QY. Email [email protected]. Tel. 0330 024 0367.
The start date of your insurance and period of cover is shown on your schedule of insurance.
Some words and phrases in this Policy Document and in your Policy Schedule will always have the same meaning wherever they appear. To make them easier to recognise when they are being used, they will be shown in bold. They are all listed and explained in the “Definitions” which can be found in section 10 of this Policy Document.
All insurance documents and all communications with you about this policy will be in English.
Please contact the administrator if you need any documents to be made available in braille and/or large print and/or in audio format. Their contact details are shown above.
How to Make a Claim
To make a claim, call the administrator on 0330 024 0367. Lines are open between 9.00am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively, please send an email to [email protected] or write to Castelan, Customer Care, Alpha House, Sunnyside Road North, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 3QY.
The Insurance Contract
This Policy Document and your Policy Schedule are your insurance documents and together they make up the contract between you and us.
It is important that you read this Policy Document carefully along with your Policy Schedule so you can be sure of the cover provided and to check that it meets your needs.
This Policy Document and your Policy Schedule are issued to you by Castelan Limited in its capacity as our agent under contract reference B0554CLN2019. In exchange for your payment of the premium referenced in your Policy Schedule, you are insured in accordance with the terms & conditions contained in these documents (and any amendments made to them) for the duration of your policy.
Demands and Needs
This product meets the demands and needs of United Kingdom residents over 18 years of age who wish to protect their purchases against mechanical and/or electrical breakdown after the end of the original manufacturer’s warranty and/or guarantee and who wish to cover their purchase for accidental damage.
It is important that:
- You check your Policy Schedule to ensure the details are correct and that the cover is as you requested;
- You check that you are eligible for this insurance (see “Eligibility” below);
- You check the information you have given us is accurate (see “Disclosure of Important Information” below);
- You notify Frasers Group as soon as possible of any inaccuracies on your Policy Schedule, or if you are not eligible for the insurance; and
- You comply with any duties detailed under each section of the Policy Document and under the insurance as a whole.
Which Product Is Insured
Any product that you have purchased from Studio Retail’s websites and which is specified on the Policy Schedule. The product must be a domestic product that was originally designed for domestic use.
Information You Give Us
The eligibility requirements are as follows:
- You must be aged 18 or over at the time of purchasing this insurance.
- You must be a permanent resident in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man.
We will not provide any cover if you do not meet these eligibility requirements at the start date of your policy. Please contact the administrator as soon as possible if you are not eligible for this insurance, if a change in circumstances means that you no longer meet these eligibility requirements or if you have any queries. Their contact details are in section 1 of this Policy Document.
Disclosure of Important Information
In deciding to accept this insurance and in setting the terms and premium, we have relied on the information you have given us via Frasers Group. You must take reasonable care to provide complete and accurate answers to the questions we ask when you take out or make changes to your policy. If the information provided by you is not complete and accurate:
- we may cancel your policy and refuse to pay any claim, or
- we may not pay any claim in full, or
- we may revise the premium, or
- the extent of the cover may be affected.
If you become aware that any information you have given is incomplete or inaccurate, please contact the administrator as soon as possible. Their contact details are shown in section 1 of this Policy Document.
When cover ends
Cover will end automatically on whichever of the following happens first:
- The date your product is replaced;
- The date you cancel your plan;
- The date your plan expires;
- The cost of repairs or replacement exceed twice the purchase price.
- We will repair or replace your product when it breaks down and/or fails to operate as intended by the manufacturer outside of the manufacturer’s guarantee period.
- The breakdown must be entirely due to a sudden and unforeseen defect causing the actual breaking of a part.
Accidental Damage:
- We will repair or replace your product if it fails or operate as intended by the manufacturer due to an accidental event
- The accidental damage must be entirely due to a sudden and unforeseen event.
This plan only applies to domestic products and that were originally designed for domestic use.
Repair to the product will be undertaken when the product is in the UK. It is important that you understand:
In the event of each valid claim:
If your product has an original purchase price of £200 or less, we will provide an identical replacement, or we will arrange for a credit to be applied to the account through which the original purchase was made. If your product has an original purchase price over £200, then we will pay the cost of repairing your product. If we are unable to repair your product then we will provide you with an identical replacement or we will arrange for a credit to be applied to the account through which the original purchase was made.
The maximum we will pay under this policy in total for all repairs and replacements is an amount equal to twice the original purchase price of the product or £3,000, whichever is lower.
We will not pay for any claim:
- caused by you deliberately damaging or neglecting your product;
- for electrical or mechanical breakdown for which the manufacturer, supplier or any other person may be held responsible under the terms of any guarantee or warranty;
- caused by you not following the manufacturer’s instructions or use of accessories not approved by the manufacturer;
- for the replacement of or adjustment to consumable items including but not limited to discs, records, tapes, styli, cartridges, software, aerials or aerial sockets, air or water filters, light bulbs, plugs, fuses, batteries, disposable bags, belts, brushes or tools;
- caused by routine servicing, inspection, maintenance or cleaning;
- caused by an inherent manufacturing defect or a product recall;
- resulting from repairs carried out by a repairer not authorised by us;
- resulting from wear and tear or the gradual deterioration of performance;
- for cosmetic damage, scratching, denting or marking of your product which affects the appearance of your product but does not affect its performance or functionality in any way;
- caused by permanent or temporary interruption of electricity or water supplies;
- due to transportation or installation;
- due to over-icing of cooling products;
- due to tuning or aerial faults or the incorrect setting of automatic controls or thermostats;
- due to fire, flood, lightning, storm, tempest, explosion, impact, aircraft or other aerial device or article dropped from, theft or attempted theft, or any other external cause;
- if no fault is found or a part is not burnt out or broken;
- if you have failed to carry out general or regular maintenance as required or recommended by the manufacturer;
- repairs to the product whilst it is outside of the UK;
- for any loss suffered as a result of not being able to use the product or any loss over and above the purchase price of the product.
- due to war or acts of terrorism or you engaging in active war.
- due to nuclear risks.
- due to damage resulting from pressure waves caused by aircraft or other aerial devices travelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.
- for any loss, damage, liability, cost or expense caused by malicious or non-malicious use of any application, process, software, code or programme, including computer virus (or any computer related hoax).
- We will only provide cover for your product if you agree to take all reasonable steps to protect your product to prevent breakdown and accidental damage or minimise the effects of a breakdown once it has occurred.
- All claims must be made within 30 days of discovery of the incident. Failure to do so may delay your claim.
- If you change your address, please contact Frasers Group Financial Services Limited on 0371 376 5680 with the new details.
- If the product is replaced following a claim the plan will terminate. If the replacement product is to be covered, you will need to buy a new plan.
Who to Contact
To make a claim, call the administrator on 0330 024 0367. Lines are open between 9am and 5:30pm Monday to Friday. Alternatively, please send an email to [email protected] or write to Castelan Limited, Customer Care Team, Alpha House, Sunnyside Road North, Westonsuper-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 3QY
Calls may be recorded for training, compliance and fraud prevention purposes.
Things You Must Do
You must comply with the following conditions. If you fail to do so and this affects the ability of the claims administrator to fully assess your claim or keep our losses to a minimum, we may not pay your claim or any payment could be reduced.
- All claims must be reported to the administrator as soon as possible but in any event, within 30 days of you becoming aware of an incident. You must complete a claim form (in full) and provide at your own expense, any information and assistance which the claims administrator may require in establishing the amount of any payment under your insurance.
- You must make the product available for inspection and repair.
Manufacturer’s Guarantee If your product has been delivered with a fault, or has developed a fault within 12 months from the delivery date, please contact Studio Retail Trading Limited; details on how to get in touch can be found on their help pages- help.studio.co.uk
Your Cancellation Rights
You can cancel your policy within 30 days of the policy start date or, if later, 30 days of the date you receive this Policy Document. We will refund any premiums you have paid as long as you have not made a claim and do not intend to make a claim.
You can also cancel your policy at any other time by writing to:
Frasers Group Financial Services Limited, Express House, Clayton Business Park, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5JY or please call 0371 376 5680 or via the web: support.studio.co.uk/s/contact-usYou may be entitled to a pro-rata refund for each complete unexpired months cover, calculated at the date the cancellation request is received provided that you have not made a claim. This means that a refund will only be provided for every complete month of the plan remaining from the date you request the plan is cancelled.
Example 1: if you have a two year plan and request that your plan is cancelled anytime during the seventh month, you will be entitled to a refund for the remaining full 17 months. This will be calculated as 17/24th of the premium you have paid as follows: if the premium taken for a plan is £26.00, the refund would be £26.00/24 x 17 = £18.41.
Example 2: if you have a three year plan and request that your plan is cancelled anytime during the seventh month, you will be entitled to a refund for the remaining full 29 months. This will be calculated as 29/36th of the premium you have paid as follows: if the premium taken for a plan is £26.00, the refund would be £26.00/36 x 29 = £20.94
The Insurers’ Cancellation Rights
We reserve the right to cancel this policy immediately if you commit fraud. If we cancel your policy, we will do so in writing to the most recent address we have for you. We cannot cancel this insurance for any other reason.
Our aim is to provide you with a high quality service at all times, although we do appreciate that there may be instances where you feel it is necessary to lodge a complaint.
If your complaint is about the sale of your policy, please direct it to:
Frasers Group Financial Services Limited, Express House, Clayton Business Park, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 5JY Tel: 0371 376 5680 or email using our help pages: support.studio.co.uk/s/contact-usIf you have a complaint about how your claim has been handled, or how your policy has been administered, please contact the administrator by email at [email protected] or by telephone on 0333 015 1182, or by writing to Castelan Ltd, Customer Care Manager, Alpha House, Sunnyside Road North, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 3QY.
In some cases the administrator may refer your complaint to Novus Underwriting Limited. You can contact Novus Underwriting Limited by email at [email protected] or by writing to 4th Floor, 34 Lime Street, London EX3M 7AT.
If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint you have the right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service by writing to The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9SR or by telephone on 0300 123 9 123 or by visiting www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.
The above complaints procedure is in addition to your statutory rights as a consumer. For further information about your statutory rights contact your local authority Trading Standards Service or Citizens Advice Bureau.
If you live in the United Kingdom or the Isle of Man, the contact information is:
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Tel: 0800 0234 567 (calls to this number are free on mobile phones and landlines).
Tel: 0300 1239 123 (calls to this number cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers).
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.financial-ombudsman.org.ukIf you live in the Channel Islands, the contact information is:
Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman, PO Box 114, Jersey, Channel Islands, JE4 9QG
Jersey +44 (0)1534 748610
Guernsey +44 (0)1481 722218
International +44 1534 748610
Facsimile +44 1534 747629
Email: [email protected]
Other Insurance
If, at the time of a valid claim under this policy, there is another insurance policy in force which covers you for the same loss or expense, we may seek a recovery of some or all of our costs from the other insurer. You must give us any help or information we may need to assist us with our loss recoveries.
You may be asked to provide details of any other contract, guarantee, warranty or insurance which may apply to the product including, but not restricted to, household insurance.
Fraudulent Claims or Misleading Information
We take a robust approach to fraud prevention in order to keep premium rates down so that you do not have to pay for other people’s dishonesty. If any claim made by you or anyone acting on your behalf under this insurance is fraudulent, deliberately exaggerated or intended to mislead, we may:
- not pay your claim; and
- recover (from you) any payments we have already made in respect of that claim; and
- terminate your insurance from the time of the fraudulent act; and
- inform the police of the fraudulent act.
If your insurance is terminated from the time of the fraudulent act, we will not pay any claim for any incident which happens after that time and may not return any of the insurance premium(s) already paid.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we are unable to meet our obligation to you under this contract. Further information can be obtained from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 10th Floor, Beaufort House, 15 St. Botolph Street, London, EC3A 7QU. Tel: 0800 678 1100 (Freephone) or 020 7741 4100. Website: www.fscs.org.uk
Data Protection Notice
We and the administrator are the data controllers (as defined by the General Data Protection Regulations) for the data you provide to us. We need to use your data in order to arrange your policy and associated products. We may collect personal information about you, including: • name, address, contact details • financial information such as bank details • details of any claim We may also collect sensitive personal information about your health where we consider a change to our procedures will likely provide you with a better customer outcome. This will only be collected with your consent. You are obliged to provide information without which we will be unable to provide a service to you. Any personal information provided by you may be held by us in relation to your policy. It may be used by our relevant staff in making a decision concerning your policy and for the purpose of servicing your policy. It may be held by the administrator for administering claims. Information may be passed to loss adjusters, solicitors, reinsurers or other service providers for these purposes. We may obtain information about you from credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies and others to check your credit status and identity. The agencies will record our enquiries, which may be seen by other companies who make their own credit enquiries. If you provide false or inaccurate information and we suspect fraud, we will record this.
We and other organisations may use these records to:
- help make decisions on insurance proposals and insurance claims, for you and members of your household;
- trace debtors, recover debt, prevent fraud, and manage your insurance policies; and/or
- check your identity to prevent money laundering, unless you furnish us with satisfactory proof of identity.We and the administrator process all data in the UK but, where we need to disclose data to parties outside the UK, we and the administrator will take reasonable steps to ensure the privacy of your data during such transfers. In the event that your data needs to be transferred back to us and the administrator from the EU, then EU laws on data transfers will apply.
In order to protect our legal position, we will retain your data for a minimum of 7 years. We have a Data Protection regime in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of your data. Under Data Protection legislation, you can ask us for a copy of the data we hold, have it corrected, sent to a third party or deleted (subject to our need to hold data for legal reasons). We will not make your personal details available to any companies to use for their own marketing purposes.
If you wish to complain about how we have handled your data, you can contact us and we will investigate the matter. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your data incorrectly, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office by writing to Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF or by telephone on 0303 123 1113.
For more information about how the administrator uses your data, please see the administrator’s privacy notice at www.castelangroup.com/privacy-notice
Rights of Third Parties
A person who is not a party to this policy has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any term of this policy but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act.
For your information, the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 allows a person who is not a party to a contract to be able to enforce that contract if the contract expressly allows him/her to or if the contract confers a benefit upon him/ her. However the Act will not be applied if the parties make it clear in the contract that the third party does not have the right to enforce it. For further guidance please see www.legislation.gov.uk or contact the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Law and Jurisdiction
This policy shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales and subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England.
We shall not provide any benefit under this contract of insurance to the extent of providing cover, payment of any claim or the provision of any benefit where doing so would breach any sanction, prohibition or restriction imposed by law or regulation.
Several Liability
The subscribing insurers’ obligations under contracts of insurance to which they subscribe are several and not joint and are limited solely to the extent of their individual subscriptions. The subscribing insurers are not responsible for the subscription of any co-subscribing insurer who for any reason does not satisfy all or part of its obligations.
The Insurer
This insurance is underwritten Novus Underwriting Limited who are registered in England and Wales under Company No. 10844265, with its registered office address at Cumberland House, 129 High Street, Billericay, Essex, CM12 9AH, on behalf of Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft in Liechtenstein AG. Registered Office: Aeulestrasse 60 (2. Stock) 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein.
Regulatory Details
Novus Underwriting Limited is an appointed representative of Direct Insurance Group Plc, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (Firm Reference No. 306080). Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft in Liechtenstein AG is regulated by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority and is deemed authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Firm Reference: No. 454140
Frasers Group Financial Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm Reference: 311908.
The administrator is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Firm Reference: 572287
In this document the following words and phrases are in bold and have the meanings shown after them:
“Administrator” –Castelan Limited, Alpha House, Sunnyside Road North, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, BS23 3QY
“Frasers Group” – Frasers Group Financial Services Limited, the Insurance intermediary
“Studio Retail” - Studio Retail Trading Limited, the Appointed Representative of Frasers Group Financial Services Limited.
“Nuclear risks” - Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel or radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.
“Product/s” - the item/s you have purchased from Studio Retail’s websites that are covered under this plan.
“Purchase Price” - the amount you originally paid for the product.
“Terrorism” - An act including, but not limited to, the use or threat of force and/or violence of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes or reasons including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
“UK”- England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
“War”- means:
(a) War, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power, riot or civil commotion assuming the proportions of, or amounting to, an uprising, military or usurped power; or
(b)Any act of terrorism; or
(c) Any act of war or terrorism involving the use of, or release of, a threat to use any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent.
“We, Us, Our” - Novus Underwriting Limited on behalf of Helvetia Schweizerische Versicherungsgesellschaft in Liechtenstein AG.
“You/your” - The individual specified on the Policy Schedule who owns the insured items, has applied for this insurance and has paid the appropriate premium.Did you find it helpful? Yes No
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